Event Management and Servics

With a large range of services from Competent Ladder, you’ll be describing your next event as “an amazing success”.

We know what it takes to make the perfect event. Our planning is a mixture of creativity, personal interaction, and exacting attention to the details that get people involved and keep them engaged. And we apply our philosophy for success to all your corporate events, including briefing, event planning and after-event services.

No project is too big or too small. Choose from the following services or brief us for a unique experience:

Incentive Travel and Team building

Competent Ladder focuses on transforming a group of people to a team of motivated individuals who work smoothly towards a common goal. Delegates are introduced to the concept of Team Roles and explore different ways of recognising and establishing their roles within the team. This knowledge enables team workers to manage their roles and responsibilities in the team and avoid gaps or overlaps in roles.

Our job is to help you in setting out the agenda and lead the group and meeting process, and that includes to help you improve the way you communicate, examine and solve problems and make decisions. We help your group to stay on task, be more creative, efficient and productive.

What are the Benefits

  • Focus & Concentration: Because we focus specifically on the process, everyone else can get on with the purpose and outcomes of the meeting and concentrate fully on the subject matter.
  • Structure, Clarity, Timeliness: Have meetings that are structured, results- oriented, time efficient and fulfill their purpose.
  • Involve Employees in the changes that will affect them: Increase their buy- in into your decisions and build a solid team.
  • Neutrality: We bring a process-focused neutrality to the proceedings and have no role in the issue.